(818) 612-9600 (805) 524-5100
(805) 524-5100
Orientation for New Pet Parents
(One / 1 hour class)
Not sure what to do next? This informative class will present the most up to date thinking regarding food, toys, vaccines, training and much more.
(No prerequisite)

($99 / 4 weeks)
Until it is safe for your puppy to go out into the world, bring them to the Puppy Preschool class!
This class is held indoors in a sanitized room to keep your puppy safe. You and your puppies will have a blast socializing with other puppies and humans. Your puppy will become acclimated to the clicker as you learn basic communication skills.
This is a GREAT place to prepare for the Puppy Basics class!
(Puppies ages 10 weeks to 20 weeks)
($149 for 6 weeks)
We believe that all dogs deserve training and a responsible owner and our goal is to reward responsible dog ownership.
The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is an exciting new program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good start. The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program is an incentive program for loving dog owners who have taken the time to take their puppies through a basic training class.
Learn basic obedience behaviors and proper socialization skills. Also learn to minimize the understandable but unacceptable behaviors such as nipping & mouthing, jumping on people, destructive digging and chewing.
Includes AKC S.T.A.R. Test at conclusion of class.
(No prerequisite. For pups ages 16 weeks to 12 months.)

($129 for 6 weeks)
Learn basic obedience behaviors and proper socialization skills. Also learn to minimize the understandable but unacceptable behaviors such as nipping & mouthing, jumping on people, destructive digging and chewing.
Almost identical to AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy class.
(No prerequisite. For pups ages 16 weeks to 12 months.)
($149 for 6 weeks)
Learn basic obedience behaviors and proper socialization skills. Also learn to minimize the understandable but unacceptable behaviors such as nipping & mouthing, jumping on people, destructive digging and chewing.
(No prerequisite. For dogs 12 months and older.)

($189 for 8 weeks)
This is the ideal next step after completion of either the Puppy Basics or Beginner Basics Class! We will introduce heel, go to bed, wait, stand and stand-stay as well as 'proof' several basic obedience behaviors with emphasis on heavy distractions.
In addition, you and your pup will learn to train with the most powerful positive tool available - THE CLICKER. You will learn better timing, the ability to better anticipate your pet’s behavior and new ways to illicit novel behaviors from your pet including Shaping and Capturing. This class will make your training journey both thrilling and even more effective!
(Prerequisite: Puppy, Beginner or equivalent)

($199 for 6 weeks + CGC Test day)
Continue to improve stay and come with heavy distraction work while preparing for the 10 step AKC CGC Test. The class finale is taking the AKC Canine Good Citizen test.
(Prerequisite: Intermediate or equivalent)
($199 for 8 weeks)
You've been asking for a class to join after you have completed the Advanced Class. Well, here it is - ULTIMATE DOG!
Raising the bar for you and your dog to the next level!
This eight week class is for graduates of the Advanced Class. Continue to improve upon past behaviors plus learn innovative ways to teach novel behaviors and curb unwanted ones. We will further you and your advanced dog's education by strengthening attention to tasks with emphasis on ultimate walking, ultimate recall and ultimate focus.
We'll also teach a few fun behaviors including how to 'die dramatically'.
(Prerequisite: Advanced Class or equivalent)

ONE HOUR WORKSHOPS - Special one hour, one time classes designed to address specific problems. Topics include Loose Leash Walking, No Jumping, Potty Training, Barking and more.
is also available.
(818) 612-9600
for more information.